Sunday, November 1, 2015

Massing Development & Model

I kept the same exact concept from my previous Hybrid model, what I had changed here was I stretched it out more and I added a roof to it. From my previous model I figured that some of my program wasn't going to be able to fit. So this is why I had made some changes.


  1. It is a good start. Do not forget that you have a specific site. How does the concept tie with the site. Think of approach and circulation.
    Your best drawing is the section!

  2. Yes, im going to change my floors plan completely. The way I would like my design to function is based on my section, im going to rearrange my programs so it can read a bit smoother.

  3. Maybe the kitchen/ dining should be on the ground floor... Easier for transportation of food and also easier access to the general public (and then you could restrict their access to the specific teaching floors if needed).
    How are you planning the vertical circulation? Lifts and staircases? Ramps?
    In terms of vertical circulation, your project could check some examples like Villanova Artigas approach on the School of Architecture of the University of São Paulo (where I studied).

  4. yes I'm definitely going to change my floor plans, I'm going to make them work and read better. And yes, I also had that in my mind, I'm planning of doing ramps instead of staircase, it was a good help to see the school you studied in, thanks.

  5. I really appreciate your efforts to transcribe your conceptual imagery/hybrid model to the section. Perhaps thinking along the lines of a 3-d abstracted bubble diagram will help you visualize the same linkages in plan and overall form. There is definitely a sense of intrigue in the section that does not read as a mass at this point (hopefully I will catch up from here!)

  6. Nice model. I'd suggest you quickly sketch, study, place and verify the position of the stairs in your plan. It seems you already have an idea in the section, but it has to work with the distributions you're making on each floor.
    Keep up the good work.
